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I love books. Actually I LOVE stories!!! , they come alive and I remember the stories better if I listen to them on Audio books. Just the way my brain works, I guess ;-) I downloaded a free book (series of stories) to my samsung galaxy y and find reading in small blocks of words, alleviates my overstimulation of seeing a bunch of words on a page or pages, and I can read and get a story out of it.

Currently reading

It's Not About the Tights: An Owners Manual on Bravery
Chris Brogan
Progress: 15 %
The Art of War
Sun Tzu
Progress: 14 %
Don Quixote
John Ormsby, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Progress: 9 %
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Christopher Moore
Progress: 40/444 pages


So, I've just been reading and reading a couple hours before sleeping and any time I have a spare minute, it's been really nice to have the Kindle app on my little Samsung Galaxy y, having ADHD, I was unable to read printed books and had to do all my book intake with audio books. There is something about all the words everywhere that become a distraction and I'm unable to focus on just the sentence at hand and it becomes a lot of work to just enjoy reading.  I found that the little screen and supersizing the words, gives me about 1.5 to 2 sentences at a time and for me that works.  I can read for hours at a time now, where before it was about 5 minutes before I'd just quit because it was not fun, I just read words and saw no mental movie as I get when I listen to audio books.


I had a friend loan me all the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, 9 books... and I just plowed through them without posting updates or reviews (sorry for that).  I have excuses tho :-).

I moved to Switzerland in 2012, and I'm still adjusting, I find drowning myself in english books a comfort :-) as it's not spoken around me much.  I've also subscribed to a real helpful website that combs Amazon for reduced price books and freebies. BookGorilla.com, this is a must for avid readers.  I will be first putting all the books I've read for the last 2 years, and then, now I have a little more structure and time in my life, start writing reviews... I'm pretty positive in all my reviews as I'm so grateful for the entertainment value they've brought... a book really has to suck before I advise others to avoid it, so I hope anyone reading my reviews isn't disappointed  :-)